A Pitcher Inn Tradition: Continuous Improvement
A twice-a-year closure is a tradition at The Pitcher Inn, usually for two weeks each in April and November. This year is a bit different.
As you may know, the inn has new owners, Vermonters Gale and George Dorsey, who are bringing fresh eyes to the inn and the taste-of-Vermont experience it offers. Gale and George have exceptional standards for cleanliness and service levels and have directed Maitresse de Maison Tracy Kelly to oversee some long-needed deep cleaning and repairs.
Tracy has retained the very best professional cleaners to spiff up every nook and cranny, from Ski and Mountain on the third floor to Tracks on the ground level and Stable and Hayloft out in the barn annex. She has also hired local masons and chimney sweeps to inspect, repair and clean every chimney in the building, 14 in all. That’s a lot of soot to sweep away.
What’s in it for you, our valued guests? No more smoky fires for one. While we enjoy a light smell of work smoke in winter, we don’t want too much, nor do you. Also, we think you’ll appreciate the new sparkle of the rooms, suites and public spaces. And don’t forget to check out all the new art from our sister business, Edgewater Gallery in Middlebury, Vermont, on display at the inn.
We look forward to your visit this winter. Book online or reach out to Tracy or one of our guest assistants to talk about your travel plans, 802-496-6350.